Saturday, April 10, 2010

weekends are what I live for

Today I am watching Golden Girls, playing with my camera, and relaxing. Last night I had fun with friends at the Bus Barn Theatre where my friends Debs and Jeremy starred in "The Altos, Like the Sopranos, Only Lower" which is a fantastic interactive murder-mystery spoof on the Sopranos. It was hilarity.
From 2010

They had some of the audience on stage:
From 2010

Jan and I were originally onstage but the couple on the left side of that photo, requested they be put on stage, so we moved to the seats in the audience and let them have our table onstage. They did serve us wine and cheese, so we were happy to move.

A bunch of friends also attended, and some were pulled onstage, it was a grand night.

Tomorrow I get to have a wonderful dinner at Maggianos at Santana Row. I am really looking forward to itl

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